Tensei Saki ga Shoujo Manga no Shiro Buta Reijou datta
- Author(s) : Hanano Risa
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-27-2024 06:27:44 AM
- View : 4,442,331
- Genres : Comedy , Fantasy , Romance , Shoujo
- Rating :
- rate : 4.7 / 5 - 631 votes
Tensei Saki ga Shoujo Manga no Shiro Buta Reijou datta summary:
I recalled memories of my past life after Grandfather told me my engagement was annulled. At the same time, I realized this world was the same world as in my favorite shoujo manga. The villainess who exhausted every method possible to bully the heroine… I reincarnated as that villainess’ chubby follower. I shook upon remembering the future lined up for her. When the villainess’ evil deeds came to light, she pinned all her crimes on Britney. I was a character that gets executed. To reliably avoid this, I must not become the villainess’ follower. As this villainess only keeps those who are exceptionally uglier than her by her side, I may be able to do something if I slim up. For now, let’s go on a diet!
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