• Not That Cat, This Cat

  • Author(s) : Ongsim (옹심)
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : Nov-04-2024 01:32:40 AM
  • TransGroup :
  • View : 18,500
  • Genres : Erotica , Fantasy , Romance , School life
  • Rating :
  • rate : 3.08 / 5 - 6 votes

Not That Cat, This Cat summary:

Nam Yooho loves cats so much that he enrolled in veterinary school. He is now in his third year, and has been having trouble lately. While taking care of Man-deuk, a stray cat, he meets a junior named Ryu Si-an, who appears in his dreams as a cat hybrid and dreams of having sex with him. After being struck by a kinky dream that violates his professional ethics, Yooho tries to avoid Si-an as much as possible...What the hell are you, and why do you show up as a cat in real life?!
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Chapter 8 - 11-04 01:32
Chapter 7 - 11-03 10:20
Chapter 6 - 11-03 10:17
Chapter 5 - 11-03 10:16
Chapter 4 - 11-03 10:13
Chapter 3 - 11-03 10:12
Chapter 2 - 11-03 10:09
Chapter 1 - 11-03 10:06

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