- Author(s) : Hyun Se Lee
- Status : Ongoing - not set rele
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 10:13:31 AM
- View : 160,910
- Genres : Action , Adventure , Sci fi
- Rating :
- rate : 5 / 5 - 3 votes
Armagedon summary:
Hundreds of millions of years ago, highly-advanced beings looking to make a planet for themselves purposefully tampered with Earth's natural processes in order to create multi-cellular life. Watching the planet's evolution closely, they continued to help life evolve further in the hopes of having actual civilization develop. It's now 1996 in Seoul, where Hyesong, a high-school student, struggles with the usual problems of youth. The only unusual thing about him is that he's been having the same apocalyptic nightmare for an entire month; in the dream he is an great fighter and genius tactician who faces off against a seemingly-unbeatable foe. Are these dreams not really dreams? Does he really have a role to play in the cosmic balance of the universe? And is the new girl in his class really just a normal student?
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