What A Wonderful World
- Author(s) : Asano Inio
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 04:12:21 PM
- View : 190,200
- Genres : Seinen
- Rating :
- mangakakalot.gg rate : 4.75 / 5 - 62 votes
What A Wonderful World summary:
Being his first series, What a Wonderful World remains Asano?s most representative and successful work to date. Composed of vignettes from the daily lives of a group of people inhabiting an ordinary neighborhood somewhere in Tokyo, the series is actually a comment about modern life itself and how we can survive in it despite all its rigors. Amusing, melancholic, funny, strange, thought-provoking?Asano effortlessly shifts from one mood to another, creating stories and characters that are profoundly human and thus always involving. It?s a shame that not everyone will find the subjects the author describes equally appealing since some of them are distinctly Japanese. But overall, it?s a great collection that any discerning manga reader should check out.