The Lawless
- Author(s) : Khoo Fuk-lung
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 11:46:27 AM
- View : 263,847
- Genres : Action , Adventure , Fantasy , Martial arts , Seinen , Supernatural
- Rating :
- mangakakalot.gg rate : 4.69 / 5 - 13 votes
The Lawless summary:
From: Easy Going Scans The story begins to unfold in 900-960 AD, Later Zhou dynasty when Chi Wu is being imprisoned after purposely losing to the emperor. His true goal lies within the prison itself, a clue to the whereabouts of world’s greatest lost treasure - Qi Lin Treasure. The words of his capture quickly spread to the ear of his senior and a former officer of the imperial court. Tie Zong Heng (Lawless), decides to be re-enlisted to the imperial services just to hunt down Chi Wu.
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