Tensei Shoujo Wa Mazu Ippo Kara Hajimetai: Mamono Ga Iru Toka Kiitenai!
- Author(s) : Kaya (カヤ), Okamura Ayumu
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 06:43:57 AM
- View : 14,000
- Genres : Adventure , Fantasy , Shounen , Slice of life
- Rating :
- rate : 4.31 / 5 - 44 votes
Tensei Shoujo Wa Mazu Ippo Kara Hajimetai: Mamono Ga Iru Toka Kiitenai! summary:
After discovering that she had a constitution that required magical power, she was reincarnated into another world, Trilgaia, by the goddess. Rejuvenated to a 10-year-old body and overcame a weak constitution! However, she is sent to a mountain full of monsters, and she can't even walk outside! "Self-reliant slow life in another world!"