Tears By Day Love By Night
- Author(s) : White Yangmal
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-31-2024 04:34:13 PM
- View : 943,894
- Genres : Webtoons , Yaoi
- Rating :
- mangakakalot.gg rate : 4.36 / 5 - 91 votes
Tears By Day Love By Night summary:
Eunsoo Seo's love life was always in turmoil. People always used him to get they want, but not one thought about what Eunsoo wanted. When Eunsoo was about to be abused by his boy friend, a stranger named Hajoon Kim swoops in to save the day. Saved by the stranger, Eunsoo began his complicated relationship with Hajoon... literally, "Day" and "Night". Original Webtoon Official English The first time, I wasn't considered a priority. Then, it didn't feel right to date men. The third time, I went on a blind date, to discover that I was dating a married man. Eunsoo's relationships always ended badly. But it's different this time. Just as he was about to be beaten up, Eunsoo is comforted by Hajoon, who appeared like a knight.
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