Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro-Biyori
- Author(s) : Shimizu Yuu
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-28-2024 12:49:48 AM
- View : 163,039
- Genres : Seinen , Slice of life
- Rating :
- mangakakalot.gg rate : 4.77 / 5 - 26 votes
Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro-Biyori summary:
At the popular Japanese-style tea house Rokuhoudou, customers can count on receiving not only excellent food and drink, but - if they wish for it - a helping hand in solving any problem that may be plaguing them. Serving in Rokuhoudou are four men who are consummate professionals in their individual fields: tea expert Sui, barista Gure, pâtissier Tsubaki and chef Tokitaka.
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