Otasuke Miko Miko-chan
- Author(s) : Hiroichi
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-28-2024 09:36:12 AM
- View : 234,380
- Genres : Comedy , Fantasy , Gender bender , Shoujo , Shounen ai
- Rating :
- rate : 4.53 / 5 - 15 votes
Otasuke Miko Miko-chan summary:
Ayumu Mikoshiba is a boy in junior high whose family runs an old shrine with few worshipers. In an effort to revive the shrine, Ayumu's parents decide he'll be the next in a long line of magical girls in the Mikoshiba family. Together with Fuu-chan, a small fox-like mascot character, Ayumu protects the peace of his town while cross-dressing.