Mother Hunting
- Author(s) : Oum, Onjom (온점)
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-30-2024 03:53:29 PM
- View : 10,300,000
- Genres : Drama , Pornographic , Psychological , Seinen
- Rating :
- rate : 2.98 / 5 - 80 votes
Mother Hunting summary:
“You want to eat it too? Married woman! I’ll tell you everything.” Sang-Hyeon, a lecturer at an academy at Mosolada. One day, the sound of a moan heard in an empty lecture room, Sanghyun discovers the scene of star instructor Junbeom’s secret attack on a married woman. In exchange for keeping her secret, she listens to a special lecture on the white-haired Baekjung married woman master…---- (
Chapter name
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