Mobile Suit Gundam N-Extreme
- Author(s) : Yoshiyuki Tomino, Minakuchi Takashi, Team Barrel Roll, Hajime Yatate
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Nov-02-2024 03:25:29 AM
- View : 86,229
- Genres : Action , Isekai , Mecha , Shounen
- Rating :
- rate : 4.68 / 5 - 19 votes
Mobile Suit Gundam N-Extreme summary:
One day, Amagi Sai and Ebihara Chikage are transported to another world by a mysterious woman who wants them to save the world. The first volume of the collaboration comic for the popular arcade game "Mobile Suit Gundam EXVS.2 XB" is now available!