Ichi The Killer
- Author(s) : Yamamoto Hideo
- Status : Completed
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 02:17:41 AM
- View : 4,313,169
- Genres : Action , Drama , Psychological , Seinen , Tragedy
- Rating :
- mangakakalot.gg rate : 4.65 / 5 - 58 votes
Ichi The Killer summary:
[From Anime News Network]: In Shinjuku Kabuki-Cho, the biggest sin town in Japan, there are two crazy guys. Ichi is a coward and a wimp, but once he breaks into tears, he turns into a human weapon. With great martial arts skill and a blade hidden in his boots, he butchers a bunch of enemies into mincemeat in the blink of an eye. His arch enemy is Kakihara, a yakuza boss who's tired of everything, including himself. Only when he pierces, cuts, and burns his own and other people's bodies does he feel that he is alive. Warning: Very graphic content.
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