I’ll Love You Even If Its Wrong
- Author(s) : 云悦读
- Status : Đang tiến hành
- Last updated : Jun-30-2023 12:14:35 AM
- View : 158,136
- Genres : Drama , Psychological , Romance , Shoujo
- Rating :
- rate : 3.8 / 5 - 77 votes
I’ll Love You Even If Its Wrong summary:
The woman who was sold by her boyfriend, inexplicably became the famous Fiancee of Fu? Where does she go from here? My touch, my eyes, my breath, you have to adapt as soon as possible, I will train you to become my qualified fiancee. If you sell yourself for half a year, you can get what you want. You’ll choose to be well-paid and admired… Or my love? This mistake will take you a lifetime to bear.
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