Hayabusa-chan Can Fly!
- Author(s) : Kitoh mohiro
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-27-2024 08:38:01 AM
- View : 75,525
- Genres : Shounen
- Rating :
- mangakakalot.gg rate : 3.25 / 5 - 4 votes
Hayabusa-chan Can Fly! summary:
The manga centers on Hayabusa, a girl who is actually a god. The story begins when Hayabusa is looking intently at a man eating croquettes in a park. When the man gives her a croquette, she sprouts mechanical wings and flies away. When the man returns the next day, Hayabusa is there to thank him and offers him a ride in the sky, for which she turns into a Ki-43 Hayabusa fighter plane to do so.