- Author(s) : Gendry-kim Keum Suk
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-26-2024 08:18:23 PM
- View : 2,391
- Genres : Drama , Historical , Psychological , Webtoons
- Rating :
- rate : 4.43 / 5 - 7 votes
Grass summary:
Grass is a powerful anti-war graphic novel, offering up firsthand the life story of a Korean girl named Lee Ok-sun who was forced into sexual slavery for the Japanese Imperial Army during the second World War - a disputed chapter in 20th century Asian history.Beginning in Lee's childhood, Grass shows the leadup to World War II from a child's vulnerable perspective, detailing how one person experienced the Japanese occupation and the widespread suffering it entailed for ordinary Korean folk. Keum Suk Gendry-Kim emphasizes Lee's strength in overcoming the many forms of adversity she experienced.+
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