Ghost Of After School
- Author(s) : Nago Nayuta
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Nov-01-2024 10:19:41 PM
- View : 4,600
- Genres : Romance , School life , Yaoi
- Rating :
- mangakakalot.gg rate : 2.86 / 5 - 15 votes
Ghost Of After School summary:
As a punishment for losing a game, Shinji is forced to take pictures in the science room after school, and as someone who hates ghosts, he’s terrified. After timidly going into the science room, he finds a so-called ghost named Sagara. Sagara takes a liking to him and tells him to come back because if he doesn’t, he’ll be cursed. Going to the science room after school becomes an everyday thing until one day, Sagara says that he’s disappearing and kisses Shinji in this after-school high school ghost romance by Nayuta Nago☆