Blood-Crawling Princess Of A Ruined Country
- Author(s) : Azuma Yuki (我妻幸)
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Nov-03-2024 03:21:24 AM
- View : 999,600
- Genres : Drama , Erotica , Josei , Tragedy
- Rating :
- rate : 4.33 / 5 - 100 votes
Blood-Crawling Princess Of A Ruined Country summary:
I'll take back my life. A cruel and beautiful revenge story of a princess who became a prostitutePrincess Evita lived happily in a small country. However, she was attacked by a neighboring country, her land taken away, and her family was brutally killed. The surviving Evita was sold to a brothel and lived as a prostitute. In the middle off all this, a man from the royal family that she hates appears as a customer...
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