Beauty Is The Beast
- Author(s) : Matsumoto Tomo
- Status : Completed
- Last updated : Oct-28-2024 05:09:06 AM
- View : 334,000
- Genres : Comedy , Action , Romance , School life , Shoujo , Cooking
- Rating :
- rate : 4.52 / 5 - 98 votes
Beauty Is The Beast summary:
When bubbly eleventh-grader Eimi Yamashita finds out that her parents are relocating for work, she decides to strike out on her own and move into a dormitory for girls. Little does Eimi suspect the exciting romantic adventures that await her there! Eimi's fellow residents are a little bit crazy but a whole lot of fun. They've got a secret mission planned for Eimi's new resident initiation...and it has something to do with sneaking into the boys' dormitory across the street and returning with a special keepsake! Can Eimi pull it off without getting caught by one of the handsomest (and cruelest) boys in the dorm?
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