Ballad Of The Black Alley
- Author(s) : Haruta
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-30-2024 11:23:13 PM
- View : 78,245
- Genres : Drama , Mystery , Pornographic , Psychological , Romance , Slice of life , Tragedy
- Rating :
- mangakakalot.gg rate : 2.15 / 5 - 87 votes
Ballad Of The Black Alley summary:
This encounter wasn't a mistake --one night, photographer Manabu was feeling desperate because his job wasn't going well, and hefound Iori unconscious in a back alley.Manabu is attracted to Iori, who is covered in bruises but has a strange s** appeal, and before heknew it, he was engrossed in taking photos.Afterwards, when he takes him back to his home, Iori tries to offer hid body in exchange for taking care of him.Manabu embraces him as he is provoked, butas he devours him supple body covered in bruises, hefeels a sense of exhilaration for the first time and a violent desire.And then, Gaku's behavior gradually escalates...?+